the Invasive flying carp invasion

The four species of carp ( bighead carp, silver carp, black carp, and grass carp) began their life in the United States innocently enough being imported in the 1970s as a method to control nuisance algal blooms in aquaculture ponds and wastewater treatment plants as well as for human consumption. Within a short ten years, the carp escaped confinement and spread into the waters of the Mississippi River basin and other large rivers like the Illinois and Missouri.
After some 50 years of mismanagement, abuse and neglect those once beneficial carp used to clean catfish ponds throughout the Mississippi river basin have exploded into a ticking timebomb biblical in proportion. A perfect storm if you will with the wave being billions of carp ranging in size from small fries to humungous 4 foot long whales now swimming free throughout the thousands of miles of the Mississippi and her tributaries with no known natural predators to keep in check.
These invasive carp are in direct competition with native aquatic species for food and habitat. Their rapid and unceasing population increase is disrupting the ecology and food web of all the large rivers of the Midwest and soon even the great lakes will be inundated with these voraciously hungry predators. In areas where carp are abundant, they have harmed native fish communities and interfered with commercial and recreational fishing further requiring and demanding their eradication from our waters.
In addition to out-competing all native species of fish for nutrients as well as habitat and harming the fishing industry as a whole from border to border carp also pose safety threats for boaters in lakes and rivers. These fish are easily disturbed and will jump as much as 10 feet out of the water in response to any stimulation often striking passengers of passing boats and causing severe harm.
Control methods that have failed to show any kind of safe long-term and positive results include the use of fish poisons, physical barrier systems, physical removal from the waterways, habitat alteration, as well as many others. In fact, one method which gives us a great deal of pause and concern is the testing of a sterility medication in hopes of making the remaining carp sterile but as with so many other well-intentioned plans, the fear we have is that the desired sterility will be somehow shared with our native species thereby hastening their extinction as well. These methods were necessary first steps to show what has failed and is incapable of ending the carp's wave of destruction across America and why ICARP is an inevitabile and very much needed final step.
Simply put... The carp need to be stopped... If not us to stop them, then who? If not now, then when? The time is now and ICARP is the solution. This is not simply only us in this fight to eradicate this invasive species. I can only do so much alone and my Gofundme is the next step towards seeking out the financial assistance needed to accomplish the next few steps to bring to fruition a tangible and testable prototype that can give us real-world data to further refine and perfect my design. I hope and pray that we can make such an impact on the environment through ICARP that our waterways can heal and return to some sort of normal pre-carp state. I know that it is a long and arduous journey ahead to accomplish my lofty goals but with all of your support I know that ICARP can accomplish this fight.

strategic placement for optimal results

The ease at which ICARPs can be transported and set up means that they can be moved from location to location rapidly and set up in hours.

In addition to their designed purpose once moored ICARPs become a platform by which local educational institutions can freely make use of to educate their students on marine biology, aquaculture and conservation.

We hope to partner with various colleges and universities all throughout the Midwest wherever the carp are prevalent allowing them and their students to hold classroom hours in the floating laboratories attached to each ICARP.

zero bycatch design

Because of the carp's ingrained jumping nature we monopolize on this trait and by using 5 different sensory stimulating features built into every ICARP we further entice the carp swimming nearby to jump out of the water and onto the built in slides which lead into the first stage of processing.

These features along with the design of the ICARP impact only the invasive carp and not our beloved native species we wish to save from extinction.

Those same sensory stimulating features while attracting the carp repel other aquatic life keeping those species we wish to protect from ever coming near.

5 stage biomatter reduction

Throughout all 5 stages of ICARP's biomatter reduction we humanely transform each and every carp which enters from a ravenous invasive fish stealing from the environment nutrients our native species survive and thrive on into a usable and safe end product effectively dispatching the carp in milliseconds eliminating any suffering.

The resulting produced biomatter is free from any traces of eggs keeping the breeding females from propagating even after death and using radiant solar and solar powered heating this biomatter becomes void of parasites further affecting our native species or ourselves.

Hydro-solar powered

Being used on the rivers ICARPs take advantage of the flowing water to power the many components used for processing carp into a usable material and in addition to the use of solar we keep operations of ICARP for the most part fossil fuel free.

Even a slow moving current can effectively power an ICARP but with the increase in current on the faster moving waterways the full effectiveness of ICARPs can be realized.

Keeping costs of operations low utilizing renewable resources is in line with our goals of being environmentally friendly.

All natural fertilizer

With the current state of fertilizer production and importing at a record all time low due to various economical and global issues now more than ever a reliable, renewable and natural replacement is needed. Turning the once invasive carp devastating thousands of miles of American waterways into usable products to rebuild and restore the environment is the driving force and motivation behind ICARP. With Russia no longer exporting fertilizers and the many fertilizer bans now or soon in effect it is perfect timing to introduce a concept like ICARP and the fertilizer it produces.

from Carp to fish feed

Through a multistage process we will turn the generated liquified carp biomatter into all natural pelletized feed to grow a wide selection of native species fish in riverside fish farms throughout the thousands of miles of Mississippi river basin. These native species will range from a wide selection of your typical sportfishing fish to crawfish, shrimp, phytoplankton and many more. We hope to effect a full river system food web reboot repopulating life from the smallest to the largest. It is our hope to throughout the year have several releases of these naturally grown native species at varying stages of growth back into the river systems to gradually increase the populations of all the affected species the carp has impacted throughout their 50 years spent as the apex predator. In time and with a great deal of effort ICARP seeks to not only eradicate the most invasive species known to the Americas but also restore and repopulate those countless native species affected by the unchecked invasion of invasive carp upon the waterways of America.

We cannot do this without your help

Simply put, we need every one of you reading this to help us to help the environment return to the way that it was before the carp began their destructive path through the waterways of America. We realize that in these financially difficult times money is difficult to part with so if you cannot afford financially to donate a few dollars to our cause please do share both our website and Gofundme page on each of your social media accounts and ask your family, friends, and coworkers to do the same. I am certain that there are enough kind and giving people out there that can help us reach our goal of having a prototype built and in service proving our concept so that we can seek the required grants to fulfill our long term goal of thousands of units scattered throughout the tens of thousands of miles of affected waterways.
Thank you immeasurably for your kindness, help and support to bring to fruition a project so immense in scale and equally as important in history that it will take the combined efforts of millions to complete.