ICARPUSA features
ICARP is a collection of pretested and fully vetted components that when combined form a machine that collects and then transforms invasive jumping carp into a liquefied biomatter that can either be immediately used as an all natural liquid fertilizer for farmed food production or using presses and pelletizers made into all natural fish, animal and poultry feed. The many end products are varied with a wide range of uses. Very effectively ICARP transforms something that steals nutrients from the environment (i.e., the carp) into useful building blocks for not only the environment but also marine life as well as the animals and fish we eat completing the cycle of life out of what is effectively a waste fish in the environment.
Just as when the salmon spawn and die in the streams and rivers of the Pacific NW the nutrients those salmon collected throughout their lives spent swimming the Pacific are released into the local to their death environment enriching not only the river ecosystem but the flora and fauna of the forest as well creating a rich, lush and healthy environment. If you have ever spent some time enjoying the beauty of a Pacific NW river then you likely have the salmon or some other spawning fish to thank for that.
Using the same principles but only sped up by means of using machinery we hope to transform not only the local to our ICARPs environment into a nutrient enriched ecosystem perfect for the smallest of creatures and organisms to thrive in but feed countless native species in fish farms raising each species with their native food source all grown organically with the biomatter created by the removal of the carp from the environment using ICARP.
The processes and steps involved to make all this happen will make your head spin but know that each step along the way is a tried and true method with decades of positive results. It is for this reason that ICARP at its essence and core as well as the countless positive outcomes possible is completely within reach.

Placement in any flowing river

ICARPs are designed to be easily transportable on land or water and placed in locations overrun by carp. Setup is in hours and as the ICARPs are hydro/solar no power source is required for operation.

ample landing platforms for carp

As in fishing you need to catch the fish first and after exiting the water the carp land upon the platforms and utilizing various ramps, chutes and slides the carp are funneled into the 1st stage of biomatter processing.

counter rotational blade 1st stage

While field testing will be required to get hard data it is mathematically proven that even the most average of river speeds will be more than adequate for all stages of fish processing functions.

nature friendly hydro powered

By utilizing a fish safe water wheel design all functions from the actual spinning blades of the 1st stage to the auger type grinder of the 2nd combined with the 3rd through 5th stages are in operation as long as water flows.

auto protect and cleaning mode

To maintain both cleanliness and safety ICARPs close up tight for hourly self cleaning using pressurized water and in the event of a proximity intrusion immediately shut down operations and close entirely for safety.

attached laboratory/classroom

To be of benefit to the local communities we operate in we will offer to any educational institution the ability to hold classroom hours in our mobile aquatic laboratories which we will use for ICARP testing and monitoring.

fish to farm natural fertilizer

As an end result of the processing steps a liquified fertilizer is produced containing the nutrient rich carp biomatter. This fertilizer can be directly applied for farming in the place of unhealthy chemical fertilizers.

We cannot do this without your help

Simply put, we need every one of you reading this to help us to help the environment return to the way that it was before the carp began their destructive path through the waterways of America. We realize that in these financially difficult times money is difficult to part with so if you cannot afford financially to donate a few dollars to our cause please do share both our website and Gofundme page on each of your social media accounts and ask your family, friends, and coworkers to do the same. I am certain that there are enough kind and giving people out there that can help us reach our goal of having a prototype built and in service proving our concept so that we can seek the required grants to fulfill our long term goal of thousands of units scattered throughout the tens of thousands of miles of affected waterways.
Thank you immeasurably for your kindness, help and support to bring to fruition a project so immense in scale and equally as important in history that it will take the combined efforts of millions to complete.